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HeartsAboard Abridged trip

What happened when the train arrived

February 3, 1999

Hi all you Acme Friends!

First, let me apologize for the group e-mail, but time is of the essence here. I have hidden names and addresses of the group to protect your privacy, but this e-mail is going out to 73 Acme posters. If you are concerned that someone might have been missed, please e-mail me and I will tell you if they were included in this mailing.

There has been a lot of sadness on the board lately. Jeff & Diane, who have lost 3 beloved cats within the last 13 months, are especially hurting. As you know they have been dealing with non-stop terminal illness for well over a year, and have yet to really recover from the sudden and terrible loss of Mr. Fluffy. They are exhausted, reeling from a terrible series of losses and hurting beyond comprehension. They have few people within their own families or co-workers who really comprehend the loss of a pet and the depth of their despair. Not like we do.

Lisaviolet, Fran, Tik Tok and I have been thinking that its time to do something together as a family, something to give them hope and to let them know that they are not alone. It’s time for another Acme "flight". We are planning a special group (((((hug)))) from all their friends at Acme. If you wish to join in, please forward pictures of yourself and your furbabies, a special card, a home made doo-dad, cat trinkets of any kind, a stuffed animal, a poem, any special writing or artwork, or whatever else you wish, to the snail mail address I will forward to you. When they are all in, I will gift wrap your parcels and put them and your cards all in one box and send it from all their friends at Acme. It will be shipped to them as close to Valentine’s Day as possible. If you would like to participate, please respond to this e-mail as soon as possible. I will forward details of the snail mail address to send your Hug to. Your cards and parcels will NOT be opened, so anything you send will remain confidential and between you, Jeff and Diane. I will merely wrap the outer wrappings to make it look more festive.

This has to happen quickly. Valentine’s Day is 11 days from today, and Tik Tok would like to point out that the Chinese New Year (The year of the Bunny) begins on February 16. If we could get the package to them by that date, it would be like starting a New Year with a lot of hope and love and one giant Valentine. I’m thinking your package or card will have to be received here in Los Angeles no later than Friday, February 12 if I am to 2nd day air it out to them so it can be received between the 14th and 16th.

I cannot stress enough how essential it is that this be a total surprise to Jeff & Diane. You must not mention it on either the Cat’s Window or the Cat Health Boards, or in any direct correspondence you may have with Di. That would completely ruin the effect. They absolutely CANNOT know this is coming!!!!

We have decided that our virtual "voyage" is going to be aboard a train. We are going to discuss details in code. Your RSVP’s will be reservations, and receipt of your card or package will be a valentine. We are undecided about whether or not to use the Community board at Acme as a place for updates, or to set up a separate message board. I’m not sure what would be most convenient and most spontaneous and also less risk of Di catching on. Give us your feedback, and we’ll e-mail you the location when it’s finalized.

If you are sending a gift, please keep it LIGHTWEIGHT or the train may not be able to leave Grand Central Station and we may have to ship it on a slow boat!

The party is going to be up to you guys. You are allowed to be as silly as you wish. If you want to know HOW silly, here’s the last flight we did. As you can see, there are no ground rules here!


Any of you who do not wish to participate, this is the only e-mail you will receive. I will delete all non-responding e-mail addy’s from future correspondence so as not to bother anyone who is not interested.

I think this will be a lift of spirits that Jeff & Diane very desperately need. We thank all of you who wish to participate in sending your love. I think of this "train" as the little engine that could. Could really make a difference the lives of two people who have given so much of themselves to others, and who are suffering a hurt that is beyond what most of us can imagine. Believe me, your spirits will be uplifted too.

Thanks from the bottom of our "Hearts"

Tik Tok

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